14 keys to a longer healthy lifestyle

For one person, that might entail going for a mile-long walk five times per week, eating fast food once per week, and talking on the phone or seeing loved ones every other day. Another person's idea of a healthy lifestyle might include the following:

  • Never drinking a drop of alcohol.
  • Adhering to a ketogenic diet.
  • Training for and completing two marathons each year.

 How Does It Help?

  • Prevents disease
  • Saves money
  • Lengthens lifespan
  • It can be good for the environment

It's simple to develop bad habits and neglect the wholesome routines we've established during times of stress and uncertainty. However, taking care of yourself is still possible despite social isolation and is extremely important now. The idea that staying in shape requires only healthy eating and exercise is common. However, more than just those two things are involved in developing and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Maintaining a positive outlook, good mental health, and a positive self-image are essential. Here are some considerations to bear in mind when trying to live a healthy lifestyle, despite the abundance of advice available.

Consume More Water

Although our bodies must function correctly, most must consume enough water consistently. We need water to stay hydrated for our bodies to function correctly, remove waste, transport nutrients, and breathe. We need to replenish our bodies regularly because we lose water daily through breathing, perspiration, urination, and bowel movements. A typical adult needs two to three liters of water daily, but this varies depending on several factors. Urine should be colorless or pale yellow to indicate that you are drinking enough water.

Take Time To Rest.

If you don't get enough sleep, you usually eat more. Generally only junk food


Every day, not just sporadically, throughout the week. You can lengthen your life by reducing your risk of disease, increasing bone density, and improving bone density by moving your body for 30 minutes daily.

Consume More Fruits and Vegetables

Every fruit and vegetable contains vitamins and minerals essential for your health. We are advised to eat five servings of fruits and vegetables daily to stay healthy.

Eat Rainbow

Choose foods with vivid colors from the produce section. These have a higher level of antioxidants than other foods on the plate, which help our bodies fight off free radicals that harm our cells. A few instances to watch out for are as follows:

  • Purple/Blue (Blackberries, Eggplants, Prunes)
  • White (Bananas, Mushrooms)
  • Green (Guavas, Avocados, Cucumbers, Lettuce, Celery)
  • Yellow (Pineapples, Mangoes)
  • Red (Apples, Strawberries, Tomatoes, Watermelons)
  • Orange (Oranges, Papayas)

Eat Less Processed Food

Foods that have been processed are bad for you. When processed food, most of its nutritional value is lost, and the added preservatives are harmful to our health. These foods have a lot of salt, which raises blood pressure and causes heart disease. Generally speaking, an item is more processed if it has more ingredients listed on the label.

Keep Negative People Away From Your Life.

A healthy outlook on life is essential. Negativity doesn't belong in your life. Let a person or friend go if you believe they are harmful.

Don't Be Negative Inside Yourself.

Additionally, you don't need self-doubt. Quit thinking anything wrong about yourself. Staying upbeat prevents an unhealthy reliance on food from making one feel better because overeating frequently occurs when one is unhappy.

Stay Away From Trigger Foods

You won't be able to stop eating these after one bite. Although everyone has a different set of trigger foods, most people list candy bars, chocolate, chips, cookies, or anything else that contains a lot of refined sugar, salt, fat, or flour.

Enjoy Your Meal Slowly.

The organ that controls your feelings of hunger and fullness is your brain, not your stomach. When you eat slowly and leisurely, you give your brain enough time to tell your stomach that you are full and allow your food to be fully absorbed. When it's time to stop eating, don't rely on having a clean plate.

Construct Your Meals.

You can precisely control what goes into your meals when you make them yourself. This makes it easier for you to decide what is best for your body.

Consider Low-Calorie and Low-Fat Options.

There are numerous low- or no-fat alternatives available in every supermarket. Try gradually replacing your full-fat pantry staples with low-fat options.

Stop Smoking

Simply put, smoking is bad. If you smoke, give it up for better health for you, your family, and your friends. If you don't smoke, keep it up.

Have Healthy Snacks On Hand

Your metabolism will benefit from frequent small meals, but what you eat matters. When choosing snacks throughout the day, consider fruit, salad, or freshly squeezed juices made without concentration. These are healthy and won't cause you to experience a sugar crash.

Are There Any Negatives?

Since everyone can determine what "healthy" looks and feels like, there aren't any drawbacks to leading a healthy lifestyle. This implies that you are free to avoid activities that make you unhappy. Because as we've already mentioned, being unhappy can have an impact on your health. Consider other ways to move your body if, for instance, you dislike traditional exercise. You also don't have to eat kale if you don't like it.

Do I Have To Stop My Favorite "Bad Habit" Now?

The things that might be viewed as "bad habits" are not necessary to give up to lead a healthy lifestyle. Combining healthy living with eating cookies, skipping a workout, or drinking wine with dinner is possible.

Occasionally indulging in treatment can improve your ability to maintain a healthy diet. A belief that you can only eat "good" foods and never consume "bad" foods often backfires. Enjoying every bite of your mother's extra-cheesy lasagna is one aspect of being healthy.

In The End

Any definition you give of a healthy lifestyle is your version of it. There is nothing you have to do or not do to be healthy. Identify the things that make you happy and make you feel good. When making changes, then begin modestly. This approach increases your chances of success; little gains will build into more significant improvements.


  • https://fsph.iupui.edu/doc/10-Tips-Healthy-Lifestyle.pdf
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/fitness-nutrition/healthy-lifestyle-benefits#takeaway
  • https://academic.oup.com/ajcn/article/105/3/589/4637849
  • https://www.healthline.com/health/benefits-of-walking